February 17, 2025  
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The information contained in this website is not legal advice.  This website is not a substitute for a lawyer.  All information is made available on an "as is" basis.  We provide no guaranties or warranties, express or implied, with regard to information or documents provided on this website.  If you submit a question or comment, it is assumed that you are interested in soliciting, receiving or giving general information and not legal advice.  Although the website may be helpful in educating visitors about their legal problems, visitors should always seek the advice of a licensed lawyer.  Only a lawyer can give you advice about your specific legal issue.

If you send us a comment or a query through our “Contact Us” form, we will make every effort to give you a response within three working days.  On some occasions, however, this may take a longer period.  If more than 7 working days have passed without a response, please send another query email regarding your case using the same form.  However, please also note that, due to the amount of email we receive, we may not be able to respond to every query we receive.

Please note, however, that the questions or comments you submit through a “Contact Us” Form and the responses you receive do not form the basis for a professional-client relationship, including but not limited to and attorney-client relationship, and are not subject to standards or requirements of confidentiality and/or privilege associated therewith.

Usually, the information on Law for All is specific to the Cairo Governorate.  Laws and procedures can vary dramatically in other governorates.  You may need to ascertain any variations to these laws and procedures in your own governorate.  Please also note that laws and procedures within Cairo may change from one municipality to another and from time to time.  While we make every effort to keep the information on this website accurate and current, we cannot guarantee that everything on this website is up to date.  Please ask your lawyer if you have any questions about the content on this website.

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